How about this joke? - lawyer in eastern nc that does power of attorney
A New York lawyer went duck hunting in North Carolina. He shot and dropped a bird, but fell into a farmer's field on the other side of a fence. As the lawyer over the fence, an elderly man asked what he was doing. The lawyer replied: "I shot a duck and it fell in this area, I'm back."
The old farmer replied. "It's my property and not come here."
The lawyer said indignantly: "I am one of the best defense lawyers in the United States, and if you do not leave me this duck, I'll continue and take everything!
The old farmer smiled and said: "Apparently you did not know what we do here in North Carolina. We make this disagreement, as with the NC Three-Kick Rule. Qu &ot;
The lawyer asked: "What is the NC three kickers article?
The farmer replied. "Well, let me first step three times, then threw me three times, and so forth, back and forth until someone gives up."
New York attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that it could easily take the old South. He agreed, in accordance with local custom.
The old farmer got off the train and slowly approached the city Feller. His first kick planted the toe of his boot in the groin hard to advocate and fell to his knees. His next start is also the lawyer that causes much pain that I almost abandoned. However, the New York attorney said every piece of his will and managed to get up and said, "OK, you old rEdneck southerner, now it's my turn. "
The old farmer from North Carolina, smiled and said, "No, I give up. You can duck.
Lawyer In Eastern Nc That Does Power Of Attorney How About This Joke?
2:04 PM
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